
If you are looking for anything on our website and can’t find it, then try using the Search Button at the top right side of the webpage and you will likely Find it Just type in the word or words 🙂 and your results will…

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If emergency advice if required and you cannot search and find the information you are looking for on our web site, please SMS the number below. VSL Emergency Advice Line What’s App SMS Messaging +61 419682950

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Same Day Connects to Vanimo Last season Air Niugini introduced flight schedules that allowed same day connects from Sydney, Brisbane and Cairns. That’s right , leave Australia and arrive in Vanimo the same day in the late afternoon without the need to overnight in Port…

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AT THE LODGE: Welcome to VSL  Before you move into your allocated lodge here are some important information points about your visit. Any questions or concerns please talk with the Manager directly VSL works closely with the local community and your is respect appreciated. If…

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Flight cancellations and changes are inevitable at some stage in this post COVID environment that we live in regardless of what country you are travelling from OR to. In the event that your flights to OR from Vanimo are disrupted please contact Vanimo Surf Lodge…

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Packing your gear is very important due to the fact that a lot of baggage handlers do not take care. We suggest when packing boards to buy a couple of swim pool noodles and split them down the length through the middle and then wrap…

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All travellers are advised to bring their own medical kit and medications. There is a chemist in town that can provide most items if you forget. The Chemist prices are usually double to triple what you would normally pay. The lodge has some basic First…

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Holiday visas 30 Day are required before entering Papua New Guinea and it is a good idea to apply as early as possible AND they are valid for 6 months from date of approval. Visas currently cost USD$50 via the online application process at…

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Overnight Hotels & Food Options When overnighting Port Moresby some of the best hotels of which there are many are The Airways, The Gateway, Lamana Hotel, Raintree etc. There are also many restaurants to eat at the hotels OR why not get a local taxi…

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A local guided walk to the local waterfalls is possible with at least a days notice subject to guide availability. It is recommended that you have appropriate footwear with good grip and a firm sole. Also take some drinking water and some basic first aid…

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